

There are three types of collisions.

Outer Collision and Inner Collision both are defined by making a box or even just two points. The third collision type will be referenced below in the Structures/GEO Collisions section.

Outer collisions are what makes vehicles collide and get hit by projectiles.

Inner collisions are smaller than the outer collisions and are generally used for really hard clipping with the vehicle.

Hint: An easy way to see what collisions look like is to import them from existing Battlezone units! Import a unit and you'll see an example of the inner and outer collisions!

Image: Imported tank VDF with collisions selected!

To create a inner collision, be in Object Mode, go to Add > Mesh > Cube. Scale it to the appropriate size or move the box faces. Give it one of the following names: inner_col, innercol, inner_collision, or innercollision. Any of these names will be detected as a collision box on VDF export.

To create a outer collision, be in Object Mode, go to Add > Mesh > Cube. Scale it to the appropriate size or move the box faces. Give it one of the following names: outer_col, outercol, outer_collision, or outercollision. Any of these names will be detected as a collision box on VDF export.

Warning: If you do not use a correct object name for a collision object it will not be used.
Outer Collision Names: outer_col, outercol, outer_collision, or outercollision
Inner Collision Names: inner_col, innercol, inner_collision, or innercollision

Image: As previously mentioned. You don't have to be exact. Here are 4 different ways to do it. From left to right you see a cube, a cube with faces removed, two points, and an edge. More ways are possible due to the way it works internally, as it gets minimum and maximum positions from all points of the collision objects.

Warning: When using MakeOBJ it is standard to include a much different looking collision box. This is not at all the case for this Blender add-on. Never try to make inner/outer collisions into the same object!

Structures/GEO Collisions

Warning: Structures DO NOT use inner or outer collision boxes like vehicles.

Both Vehicles/Structures can have GEO based collisions. They can be easily generated from Blender and its recommended to do so. GEO based collisions let each GEO be able to be collided with, giving a much more realistic and more natural feeling hitbox.

Automatically Generating GEO Collisions

By default Automatically Generate Collisions is enabled on every object, when you export, all of the collisions will be generated for you if this is turned on. All of your settings will be lost and overwritten on the GEO collision data.

Hint: If this is not happening, make sure "Automatically Generate Collisions" is on.

Manually Creating GEO Collisions

Setting these manually is a bit annoying, but if you need to do that you certainly can.

Simply uncheck Automatically Generate Collisions. If you'd like a good starting point click Generate Collisions and it will make them for you. Then modify GEO Center, Projectile Collision Box, and the Sphere Radius manually yourself.

Warning: Remember that Y and Z are swapped to Battlezone. Y is in other words... height!

GEO Center is the center of the GEO projectile hitbox. Likely you'll want it somewhere in the middle of the GEO.

GEO Projectile Collision Box is how you set the projectile box's size. Remember it is increases size based of the position of the GEO Center. If you increase a value, imagine the box getting larger on two different sides at once.

GEO Sphere Radius is kinda weird. Essentially, everything inside the sphere radius can be collided with. If a GEO face is not in this radius, it can not be collided with. If it is in the radius it can be collided with. You'll have to try it yourself with structures to really see the full effect and understand it.

Note: If you can't set custom parameters, make sure "Automatically Generate Collisions" is off.