GEO Naming/Add-on Name Rules
Battlezone GEOs are named in a very specific pattern and this add-on expects you to keep it that way.
Its very important we talk about what this pattern is and what object names should be if you want them to correctly export and be used in Battlezone.
Image: Naming structure in image form.
Names must begin with a 3 letter prefix, followed by the level of detail, the number 1(don't ask why!), and a suffix.
The prefix is used for identifying the geo set. AGR for example denotes American Grizzly. Your naming structure don't need to have purpose but it does kinda help. Don't skip out and put only one or two letters for a geo prefix. Get the entire 3 letters.
The lod is used for setting what the level of detail is. The first level of detail is for close up views of the model. You'll see it in full detail and it'll be the maximum detail. Level of detail 2 is for cockpit view aka first person. Level of detail 3 is for seeing the model from far away.
The number 1 is likely a left over from I76 with its damage system. Just keep it as one.
The suffix can be from 0-3 letters, however, its recommended to just give it a three letter name. Many GEO Types have a specific name suffix, however, since we are not using MakeOBJ its mostly no longer needed.