



Origin Playstyle

This origin is a very easy pick for most players and a recommended choice for players who don't use shields. Ideally you want to be interested in a tank and hoarder gameplay style. You should be good at gathering food to deal with your extra hunger. Since you don't have shields you'll be relying solely on your 8 armor points bonus. Being able to mine stone is very helpful if you run out of pickaxes or want a way to quickly get stone in general. You can mine andesite, diorite, granite, and even netherrack with your hands!


Hard Hitting Tank

Gameplay is mostly the same and this origin is extremely helpful if you don't use shields making this an excellent choice for an aggressive unshielded player. If you do use shields you'll need to make considerations of what you'll do without your shield.

Concerns for players who use shields are:

You'll probably find your extra armor makes up for what you lost though. If you don't use shields in the first place the only disadvantage is eating more food which is barely even a problem!

Excellent Advantages

Take advantage of your 9 persistent inventory slots to keep your valuable items safe. This is a great feature to protect your inventory as it stays on death. Not only that if you get stuck in caves your ability to mine most types of stones by hand is quick and very effective, so don't ever think you are stuck in stone. More importantly, wearing iron armor thanks to your 8 armor you get for free means you have the protection of a full set of diamond armor. Shulker is a no brainer for people who don't use shields.

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