



Origin Playstyle

This origin is for players who don't really care about armor but love elytras. It's a big negative not being able to armor up, but if you REALLY need the Elytra early game this is how you have it basically forever. As long as you have the ceiling 4 blocks tall you will not get the very inconvenient claustrophobia effect.

Make the swap only if you really want the elytra more than you want good armor. A lightly armored explorer is a powerful role for you for the rest of the game.


Quick exploration and early looting.

Getting an elytra early allows you to be the early bird to pretty much anywhere in the world. Though getting fireworks will be necessary to get the best results for long distance movement.

Brittle Armor and Bones

You can not wear armor with protection values higher than chainmail. You are going to be running a low armor playthrough with this origin. With brittle bones you'll also take more damage from falling and flying into blocks so be a bit more careful with your flight.

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